Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Connect the dots with SphereUp

As a child, one of my favorites games was “connect the dots”. I remember how eager I would get to find that hidden picture at the end.
Today, whenever I need to contact a co-worker or a customer, the “digging process” begins...

I’m having a hard time, remembering if I ever included his/her contact details anywhere, and if I did, where …with so many applications and devices, no wonder I can’t recall if or where I might have put it. 

Did I put it in my Outlook, or was it LinkedIn, could be smart phone, or did I simply just put in a doc, god only knows where…!

So here I am, grown-up and relatively organized, spending my precious time and effort looking for that contact info.

From conversations with friends, I know that I am not alone…with so many contacts and devices out there how can anyone keep track?

Keeping in touch with your friends can become quite a complicated mission…let alone finding a customer or co-worker’s number or email. Is it in my outlook, or maybe it’s on my phone or wait, I know, it was last seen in a yahoo email… what a dilemma, even if one manages to figure out where it’s stored, it’s not always available when you need it.
It all comes down to the very basic question: how can I get a hold of the person I need, now?

SphereUp a cloud-based contacts management solution- comes to the rescue and connects the dots for us. 

Basically, what Sphereup does is aggregates ones’ contacts from all sources and lets the user see all of their contacts in one place. Contacts are always up-to-date and available anytime, anywhere From a PC, Web and Mobile.

From a company prospective, having a single valid contact network is a powerful advantage that helps to enhance productivity and collaboration within the entire ecosystem. Any authorized user can share contact lists of colleagues, customers and service providers, from his office, home or while on the go.

Did you know that the average person has approximately 4,000 contacts...?!

Contacts are an essential asset to all of us, both in business and our personal lives; keeping them organized, up-to-date, accurate and most importantly- handy at all times, really makes the difference.

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