Monday, July 16, 2012

How SphereUp saved the game and all my contacts with it…

Dear SphereUp,

I usually don’t writing into these things but your product, Sphereup, really saved my day. It all started last Sunday, at the park. I was practicing some baseball with my son. He needs a bit of work with his hitting, so I was out on the mound pitching him some baseballs, and all of a sudden, Crack!!!, he hit a line drive right at me.

There was no getting out of the way of this one; that was for sure. It hit my IPhone in my shirt breast pocket. It hit it so hard that the display screen was shattered.
I remember thinking; it’s only the screen, for sure all my contacts are still saved. And then I get the call from the place fixing my phone telling me that they have to wipe my memory and upgrade the phones…. something or other….

Just great; I have over 3,890 contacts, 3,242 of which are business related. You see, I deal in import and export make a living through networking, and as such, contacts are an essential part of my business. 
Who knows how long it would have taken for me to recover from this setback had I not had SphereUp. I simply downloaded SphereUp onto my fixed phone and signed in with my acct and batta bing batta boom… all my phone numbers where back.

Thank you SphereUp,

Satisfied Customer

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